Thursday 3 July 2014


                      Uganda Hands for Hope is a non-profit charity working in Uganda’s poorest slum, Namuwongo. Hands for Hope works with the slum’s most vulnerable children and families – 90% of Namuwongo’s residents live below the absolute poverty line (earn less than 75p a day).
The slum itself is an extremely dangerous place for children. Alcoholism in men is rife and sexual exploitation and prostitution is common. Clean water is accessible, but the hygiene levels are extremely poor with untreated medical conditions an everyday problem. Uganda Hands for Hope offers the most vulnerable children an education, a safe place to spend their days, free medical care, emotional support, and two essential meals a day. They also offer livelihood programmes for struggling mothers, reading & writing skills classes for non-sponsored children, and child protection initiatives. All this is achieved through a sponsorship programme (it costs just £20 a month to sponsor a child) and charitable donations.
Find out more or become a sponsor:
Swahib {6years old} one of our students in baby class lives in  this  Run down house immediate to the swamp in "Namuwongo", with young sister, Mum and Dad.

At swahib's home while at our daily monitoring of families with kids on our programs.

Maro at swahib's home while at the daily monitoring of families with kids on our programs

Isma's Neigbour also taken care of by his (Isma's) mum.
OUR LOCATION (Namuwongo)

Isma {3yrs Old} loves to study but the Mum can not afford. (Namuwongo)

"Kasanvu Zone" (Namuwongo slums)

Isma {3yrs Old}  (Namuwongo)

scouting for the needy families and children. Namuwongo

Window and door to Swahib's Home.
      After Maro spending 2 months with the organization as an intern ( in pursuit of his Makerere University Bachelors degree in development studies), he realized a lot of Help was needed to change the lives in the community of Namuwongo. As a way of supporting the works of the organization We decide to give a percentage (40%) of our proceeds to the Uganda hands for hope to continue being "in the community for the community" just as the organization's slogan says!

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