Saturday 13 May 2017



Nabilatuk Town Ship Primary School is one of the oldest Primary Schools in Karamoja Region. The school is located in Nakapiripirit District, Pian County, Nabilatuk Sub County, Moruaingibuin Parish, Nablatuk Trading center. The school was founded by the Anglican Church in 1953 and later taken over by the government:

School Mission “Quality and Basic Education for all”
School Vision “Education Is the Key for all”
School Motto “Discipline and handwork pays”
The current education status in Karamoja region:
Most children do not go to school; instead, Karamojong children live the pastoralist life. The boys are kept at home to look after livestock and girls remain to look after the young children, cultivate in the gardens or are simply married off when their bodies begin to show signs of maturity like developing breasts. However, traditions are changing across the plains and escarpments, long seen as Uganda’s wildlands. With that change comes a cultural struggle over the role of education. The Karamoja region is one of the poorest and least developed regions in Uganda, and suffers from high illiteracy rates. Investment in education will help to change that, and Welthungerhilfe will work very closely with the local governments and leaders and people of Karamoja in their efforts to develop their region through support to education and infrastructural development i.e. teacher’s housing, dormitories, classrooms and sanitation facilities. Support also includes the provision of furniture and teaching materials. Environmental conservation measures such as rainwater harvesting and tree planting will enhance the realization of the goal of increasing access to primary education in Karamoja through increased enrollment and also provision of quality education.

The government standard for pupils per latrine stance ratio is: 40:1 however the school only has 8
stances of latrines functional which leave the school with a deficit of about 12 stances. The other two
stances of latrines available in the school have either collapsed or gotten full.
The school does not have washrooms for boys and girls. The children wait until its dark in order to
take a bath. Lack of washrooms inconveniences the girls and affects their Menstrual Hygiene
Management (MHM) as they need a private and clean place with water they can use to clean
themselves during the day when undergoing menstruation. A 10 stance Latrine costs approximately
38,000,000/= and a WASH room costs approximately 15,000,000/=.
The school also has a boarding section for both boys and girls (P1 to P7 totaling 110, 70 boys and 30
girls). Out of the 10 available classrooms, the school had to transform 3 classrooms and a store into
dormitories for children. When Welthungerhilfe Project manager (Emeru Samuel) visited the school
on 20th February 2017, he found the dormitories over crowded. The young children and older ones
are all mixed up together. The children sleep on the floor, the beddings are not spaced which
enhances the spread of diseases and bed bugs infestation. Welthungerhilfe is in the process of securing funding for two dormitory blocks.

The fair performance of the school in the district has attracted a large number of pupils from within and neighboring sub counties. The current structures available at the school cannot contain the growing number of pupils with the most affected being children in the lower classes from P1 to P4. According to the government policy, a classroom is supposed to accommodate only 45 pupils but in this case 195 children are congested in one classroom. Congestion leads to ineffective learning as the teacher cannot easily monitor, mentor and supervise the children. It also leads to easy spread of airborne diseases such as flue therefore leading to frequent absenteeism of children from school.
Welthungerhilfe is in the process of securing funding for construction of two classroom blocks.

Ronald Magada alias Maro is a well-known award winning RnB musician in the local music scene, who started his career in 2010 and for 7 years he has worked hard to be the brand he is now. He loves charity and this is not the first time he is aboard a social cause. The Development studies graduate often has charity concerts and works with different organizations that deal in different areas from Educating the poor children in slums(Uganda hands for hope based in Namuwongo slums), urban refugee rescue(Inter Aid Uganda), WA.S.H/water hygiene and sanitation(Viva con agua & Welthungerhilfe), Girl child rights protection and empowerment (Plan international Uganda ).etc.
While visiting Karamoja for the second time with the two WA.S.H project organizers (viva con agua and Welthungerhilfe), Mr. Emeru Samuel suggested in a dinner meeting that the artistes should take an effort to go back to Karamoja independently to give back to their lovely fans and friends, hence the idea of the Maro charity merchandise sell in a bid to fundraise for a project in the area. Mr Emeru later identified a school called Nabiratuk township primary school as the first priority among the places with a bigger problem in terms of sanitation.
The Maro merchandise sale #Buyforkaramoja campaign has been ongoing since March 29th2017 where Maro sells each cap and each T-SHIRT at 50,000/= UGX and so far we have not really made serious sales only awareness where we have involved celebrities in spreading the word through their social media posts after the professional photoshoots by a photographer volunteer by names Dazzle jam photography.
American actor, director and writer Morocco Omari from the popular Black Music series “The Empire”, joined the #Buyforkaramoja campaign and took picture endorsing the Maro T shirt.
Abryans collections joined and availed the T-shirts and caps at the gardencity main outlet for sale.
Douglas lwanga NTV the beat presenter joined and wore the Maro cap ant mentioned the campaign on Tv not once or twice.
Model and socialite Judith heard joined in for the awareness photoshoot and promises to be available for the Karamoja Trip come August.

The campaign will run until 12th August 2017 with a Maro concert at MT Moroto hotel and there will be activities and the start on the foundation of the Toilets and wash rooms at Nabilatuk township primary school. This will be witnessed by the volunteers that will be willing to travel with the artiste.
The M for Maro charity merchandise sale was a result of the realization of the open deification practice in the areas of Moroto and different highly populated parts of Karamoja. This was after the artiste’s visit with “Viva con agua” a German none profit organization that carries out “WASH” (water sanitation and hygiene) projects together with also German based NGO “Welt hunger hilfe”.
The program happens every March and always closes with a world water day celebration concert involving various local musicians and international musicians. The team always includes Foot ballers, Dancers, Beat boxers, paint artistes, music producers, journalists, and other volunteers who are always interested in the cause. The artistes use their influence and skills to attract and teach youths basic proper hygiene practices through songs, paintings, dance, football drills; we are grooming youths and sensitizing the community.
Maro is working closely with the above organizations i.e “Viva con agua kampala” & “welt hunger hilfe” and the few volunteers from boutiques, celebrities and dazzle jam photography to see the success of the campaign.

NB: Building a toilet is quite expensive due to the soft soils that wash away with any slight rain, which call for cementing of all walls of the hole before making a floor and the walls of the building. One unit that includes two male and two female doors with urinals takes approximately 15M UGX minus the cost of transporting materials to build.

Check the NABIRATUK TOWNSHIP PRIMARY SCHOOL introductory essay about for more.



Looking forward to your support
Contact us for now on +256 781 573235